Thursday, April 23, 2009

imPaulsive Remix Project

My name is Paul. I still get a kick out of making mix CDs. I end up giving them out to a lot of people. Most enjoy them so I thought I would start a blog around them. I am lame. I like weird music sometimes. I enjoy hip-hop, unusual instruments, words I can not spell, good rhymes, no silence between songs, and making people smile or go wtf! My mix CDs are all right around the 80min mark. I have a healthy obsession with my local music scene. Portland bands are usually on every mix I make. The term remix is misleading, as I do no real remixing. Sometimes I go back and change songs that annoy me later on. So download and enjoy?

Mixes work best with 0 seconds between songs and in order. Because everything is mixed into the next song, playing these mixes on random sounds funny.